
Still don’t know what you want to be when you grow up?

Are you doing what you always wanted to do for a living?

Do you feel challenged and fulfilled at your current job?

Are you a world-class performer in your current role?

Do you look forward to going to work each day?

Have you found your own unique purpose and passion?

If you cannot answer yes to these questions, maybe it is time for a change.

If you have already tried taking the classes and reading the books and watching the videos, and you still aren’t where you want to be, maybe it’s time to hire a personal coach.

A coach can help you discover your talents and develop your strengths. A coach can help you move beyond circumstances and toward possibilities.

Through conversations and assessments, a coach will challenge your thinking, hold you accountable, and help you accomplish things you only dreamed of. Literally.

How much would it be worth to finally discover the truth and work out a plan to overcome the obstacles that have been holding you back?

It would be priceless.

Personal coaching clients report that they are 500 – 700% more effective than before they got a coach. If you really want to develop a bulletproof future, consider getting a coach. We have several coaches that are certified, competent, and waiting on your call.

The fact is that you were created for an amazing purpose. You’re kind of like a superhero! You just need a little help finding the “S” on your chest. Personal Coaching by can help you do just that.

Skeptical? How about a little coaching myth busting?

Myth: Successful people don’t need coaches.

Truth: Both common sense and reality tell us this can’t be. The fact is that the most successful people constantly look for ways to improve. People from top athletes to top leaders at all levels now use coaches.

Myth: Coaching is the same as counseling.

Truth: Although both are confidential one-on-one relationships, there are few other similarities. Counseling focuses on healing from things in the past, coaching works to supercharge your achievement of success. Counseling is archeology, coaching is architecture.

Myth: Everyone is equally coachable.

Truth: While everyone has untapped potential, it takes a lot more than that to get the most from a coaching relationship. Only people who are motivated to improve, open to feedback from a fresh perspective, and willing to change their behavior when they see a compelling need can benefit from coaching.

Myth: There is no way to measure the results from coaching.

Truth: Multiple studies and tons of empirical data refute this misconception. People who embrace coaching report that they are 500-700% more effective than they were before they got a coach. They often speak of better relationships both at home and work as well as feelings of contentment and satisfaction they never had before.

The Bulletproof Leaders Academy provided our managers with valuable insights into team dynamics and real leadership. Armed with actionable tactics from each session, we are improving teamwork and overall performance. Coupled with Tim's engaging style, the Bulletproof concepts have inspired all of us to become better individuals as well as better leaders.

Rodney Shepard
Arvest Bank

Tim Keck gets my highest recommendation as a coach and mentor. His unique ability to recognize, understand, and explain the way every team member thinks and operates blows my mind. It turns out that there's so much about life and leadership that I didn’t know. Whether it’s personal coaching for just me or including my whole team — he provides a priceless amount of value. I name Tim as one of the top contributors to the success that I enjoy as a business professional today.

Eric Hinson

I look forward to each session with Tim, finding them to be equal parts entertaining, informative and inspiring. Whether working with us as individuals or as a group, all of the partners came away with new respect for one another and gleaned valuable insights on how to create a work environment that works for everyone.

Barbara Taylor
Allan Taylor

Why Go Bulletproof?

Practical, effective, expert help for leaders and teams.

Vetted in the stressful environment of a SWAT call-out.

Ample use of humor and storytelling to engage your people.

Ready, willing and able to solve your biggest people problems.

Always focused on creating high-performance, low-drama cultures.